LIVSFORMER: Dette prosjektet startet i 2016 og ble i løpet av 2år til en serie med 240 tegninger. Formatet, A 4 og bløte blyanter på et spesielt egnet papir dannet rammen rundt prosjektet. Dette er ikke observerende tegninger - men former som oppstår i tegneprosessen. Det er altså ikke avbildninger av noe ytre - men likevel er det gjenkjennelige arketypiske former.
To work with the drawings is like a developing process in a dark room. The expression becomes the result of an examination, a search in details after something I do not know what is ... These (drawn) manifestations are not located in an outer physical space - they have solely an inner space. They are something by their own virtue. The forms are organic and spatial like the physical world, they are to some degree recognizable and can resemble a physical reality. But they have no affiliation with a physical place. They are intuitive and mental visualizations. The composition in the picture space is inferior and relates only to the shape itself. To an inner logic. Independent objects without a narrative history.
Plato may be the first philosopher to refer to archetypes. He called them Forms. For Plato, there were two realities: the world we live in and the non-physical realm where the Forms exist. These Forms, for Plato, are pre-existing ideal templates or blueprints. They include characteristics like roundness, softness, hardness, greenness, blackness, and so on. Forms is another term for archetypes. In modern times, psychiatrist Carl Jung made us aware of archetypes. He saw archetypes are the fundamental units of the human mind.
https://scottjeffrey.com/archetypes-psychology/ Archetypes Defined